Privacy statement

1. Data protection at a glance

General information

The following information provides you with a clear overview of what happens to your personal data when you visit our website. Personal data means any data that can be used to personally identify you. Detailed information on the topic of data protection can be found in our privacy statement set out below.

Data capture on our website

Who is responsible for data capture on the website?

The website operator is responsible for data processing on this website. You can find the relevant contact details in the legal notice on this website.

How do we capture your data?

Ihre Daten werden zum einen dadurch erhoben, dass Sie uns diese mitteilen. Hierbei kann es sich z. B. um Daten handeln, die Sie in ein Kontaktformular eingeben.

Andere Daten werden automatisch beim Besuch der Website durch unsere IT-Systeme erfasst. Das sind vor allem technische Daten (z. B. Internetbrowser, Betriebssystem oder Uhrzeit des Seitenaufrufs). Die Erfassung dieser Daten erfolgt automatisch, sobald Sie unsere Website betreten.

What do we use your data for?

Some of the data is collected to ensure the smooth provision of our website. Other data can be used to analyse your user behaviour.

What rights do you have in regard to your data?

You have the right at all times and at no cost to be informed of the origin, recipients and purpose of the personal data we have saved. You also have the right to request the rectification, blocking or erasure of these data. Should you have any queries regarding data protection, you can contact us at any time at the address indicated in the legal notice. In addition, you also have a right to object to the competent supervisory authority.

Moreover, you also have the right, under certain circumstances, to request a restriction to the processing of your personal data. Details of this can be found in the privacy statement under “Right to restriction of processing”.

2. General and mandatory information

Data protection

The operators of this website take the protection of your data very seriously. We handle your personal data confidentially and in accordance with statutory data protection provisions and this privacy statement.

Various items of personal data are collected when you use this website. Personal data means any data that can be used to personally identify you. This privacy statement explains which data we collect and what we use it for. It also explains how and why this happens.

We would like to point out that data transmission on the Internet (e.g. communication by e-mail) can have security gaps. Complete protection of data against access by third parties is not possible.

Note on the controller

The controller for data processing on this website is:

Vereinigte Domstifter zu Merseburg und Naumburg und des Kollegiatstifts Zeitz
Domplatz 16/17
06618 Naumburg

Tel.: +49 (0) 3445 23 01 0

The controller is the natural or legal person who alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data (e.g. names, e-mail addresses, etc.).

Withdrawing your consent to data processing

Many data processing procedures are only possible with your express consent. Once granted, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. This can be done simply by sending us an informal email. The lawfulness of any data processing performed prior to such withdrawal of consent shall remain unaffected.

Right to object to data processing in certain circumstances and against direct marketing (Art. 21 GDPR)

Where data processing is performed on the basis of Art. 6 (1) letter e or f GDPR, you have the right at all times to lodge an objection to the processing of your personal data for reasons relating to your specific situation; this also applies to profiling on the basis of these conditions. Please see our privacy statement for the respective legal basis underlying this processing. When you lodge an objection, we will stop processing your relevant personal data unless we can demonstrate legitimate grounds to continue to process such data that override your own interests, rights and freedoms or where the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims (objection pursuant to Art. 21 (1) GDPR).

Where your personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to lodge an objection to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of such marketing; this also applies to profiling where this is linked to such direct marketing. If you object then your personal data can no longer be used for direct marketing purposes (objection pursuant to Art. 21 (2) GDPR).

Right to object to the competent supervisory authority

In the event of breaches of GDPR, the data subject is entitled to raise an objection with a supervisory authority, in particular in the member state in which you have your habitual place of residence or work place, or the place of the presumed breach. The right to object arises irrespective of any further-reaching legal remedies through the courts or of an administrative nature.

Right to data portability

You have the right to have any data that we process in automated form on the basis of your consent or in fulfilment of a contract issued to you or a third party in a machine-readable format. Where you request data be transferred directly to another controller, we will only do this where technically possible.

SSL or TLS encryption

This website uses an SSL or TLS encryption for security reasons and to protect the transfer of confidential content such as orders or queries sent to us as the website operator. You can identify that we use an encrypted connection because the address line in the browser switches from “http://” to “https://” and by the lock symbol in your browser bar.

If the SSL or TLS encryption is activated, then the data that you send us cannot be read by third parties.

Information, blocking, erasure and rectification

Within the framework of the applicable legal provisions, you have the right at all times to information on your saved personal data, its origin and recipients and the purpose of data processing and, where relevant, a right to rectify, block or erase these data. To this end, and for any other queries relating to personal data, please feel free to contact us at any time at the address indicated in the legal notice.

Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to request the restriction of processing of your personal data. To do so, please contact us at the address given in the legal notice at any time. The right to restriction of processing exists in the following cases:

  • If you contest the accuracy of the personal data, we hold then we normally need some time to verify this. You have the right to request restriction of processing during the time it takes to verify the accuracy of your personal data.
  • If the processing of your personal data has been or is unlawful, you may request restriction of processing rather than erasure.
  • If we no longer need your personal data but you require them for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims then you may request restriction of processing instead of erasure.
  • If you have lodged an objection pursuant to Art. 21 (1) GDPR then your interests will be weighed up against ours. You have the right to request restriction of processing during the time it takes to establish whose interests are overriding.

If you have restricted the processing of your personal data, then these data may only be processed with your consent or to establish, exercise or defend legal claims or to protect the rights of other natural or legal persons or for reasons of important public interest to the Union or a Member State.

Objection to marketing emails

The use of the contact details published under the legal notice for the sending of marketing and information material that has not been explicitly requested is hereby opposed. The operators of the webpages reserve the right to undertake explicit legal steps in the event of the unsolicited sending of marketing information, for instance in the form of spam emails.

3. Data capture on our website


This website uses what are known as cookies. Cookies do not cause any damage to your computer and do not contain any viruses. Cookies serve to make our website more user-friendly, effective and safe. Cookies are small text files stored on your computer and saved by your browser.

Most of the cookies we use are what are known as “session cookies”. They are automatically deleted at the end of your visit. Other cookies remain stored on your device until you delete them. These cookies enable us to recognise your browser the next time you visit our site.

You can configure your browser in such a way that you are notified about the use of cookies and only allow cookies in individual cases, the acceptance of cookies in particular cases or in general means that cookies won’t be deleted automatically when shutting your browser. If you deactivate cookies, the functionality of this website may be restricted.

Cookies that are required to carry out the electronic communication process or to provide certain functions that you have requested (e.g. shopping cart function) are stored on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO. The website operator has a legitimate interest in storing cookies for the technically error-free and optimized provision of its services. Insofar as other cookies (e.g. cookies to analyse your surfing behaviour) are stored, these will be treated separately in this data protection declaration.

Server log files

The website provider automatically collects and stores information in what are known as server log files which your browser automatically sends to us. This information is as follows:

  • browser type and version
  • operating system used
  • referrer URL
  • hostname of requesting computer
  • time of search query
  • IP address

This data is not combined with other data source.

These data are recorded in accordance with Art. 6 (1) letter f GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the fault-free technical presentation and optimisation of its website – this is why the server log files are captured.

Contact form

If you submit an enquiry to us via a contact form, we will store the information you enter in the enquiry form including your contact details for the purpose of processing the enquiry and for the event of any subsequent queries. We will not pass these data on without your consent.

The data entered in the contact form is thus processed exclusively on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 (1) letter a GDPR). You can withdraw this consent at any time. This can be done simply by sending us an informal email. The lawfulness of the data processing procedures carried out prior to the withdrawal of consent shall remain unaffected.

The data you enter in the contact form will remain with us until you request us to delete it, revoke your consent to store it or the purpose for storing the data no longer applies (e.g. after we have completed processing your request). Mandatory legal provisions - in particular retention periods - remain unaffected.

Enquiry by email, telephone or fax

If you contact us by email, telephone or fax we will store and process the information in your enquiry, including all personal data contained within (name, enquiry) for the purposes of processing your matter. We will not pass these data on without your consent.

These data are recorded in accordance with Art. 6 (1) letter b GDPR, where your enquiry relates to the fulfilment of a contract or to the performance of pre-contractual measures. In all other cases, processing is carried out subject to your consent (Art. 6 (1) letter a GDPR) and/or our legitimate interests (Art. 6 (1) letter f GDPR), as we have a legitimate interest in processing enquiries directed to us effectively.

The data you send to us via contact requests will remain with us until you request us to delete it, revoke your consent to store it or the purpose for storing the data no longer applies (e.g. after processing your request has been completed). Mandatory statutory provisions - in particular statutory retention periods - remain unaffected.

Google Analytics

This website uses functions of the web analytics service Google Analytics. The provider is Google Ireland Limited ("Google"), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Google Analytics enables the website operator to analyze the behavior of website visitors. In doing so, the website operator receives various usage data, such as page views, dwell time, operating systems used and the origin of the user. This data is summarized in a user ID and assigned to the respective end device of the website visitor.

Furthermore, Google Analytics allows us to record your mouse and scroll movements and clicks, among other things. Furthermore, Google Analytics uses various modeling approaches to supplement the collected data sets and uses machine learning technologies in data analysis.

Google Analytics uses technologies that enable the recognition of the user for the purpose of analyzing user behavior (e.g. cookies or device fingerprinting). The information collected by Google about the use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

This analysis tool is used on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in analysing user behaviour in order to optimise both its website and its advertising. If a corresponding consent has been requested, the processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR and § 25 para. 1 TDDDG, insofar as the consent includes the storage of cookies or access to information in the user's terminal device (e.g. device fingerprinting) within the meaning of the TDDDG. Consent can be revoked at any time.

Data transfer to the USA is based on the standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission. Details can be found here:

4. Data protection principles of the Vereinigte Domstifter zu Merseburg und Naumburg und des Kollegiatstifts Zeitz

You reached this page via a link because you wished to learn more about how we handle (your) personal data. In order to meet our notification obligations pursuant to Art. 12 et seqq. of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we are pleased to share our data protection information with you:

Who is responsible for data processing?

The controller in the sense of data protection law is: 
Vereinigte Domstifter zu Merseburg und Naumburg und des Kollegiatstifts Zeitz
Domplatz 19
06618 Naumburg

Represented by:
Director Dr Holger Kunde

Tel.: +49 (0) 3445 23 01 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 3445 23 01 110

Further information on our company, its legal representatives and other forms of contact can be found in the legal notice on our website

What personal data do we process? And for what purposes?

When we receive data from you, as a general rule we will only process it for the purposes for which it was received or collected.

Data processing for other purposes is only considered when the necessary legal conditions pursuant to Art. 6 (4) GDPR are met. In such cases, we will naturally fulfil any notification obligations incumbent upon us pursuant to Art. 13 (3) GDPR and Art. 14 (4) GDPR.

What is the underlying legal basis for this?

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is in principle - insofar as there are no other specific legal provisions - Art. 6 DSGVO. The following possibilities in particular come into consideration here:

  • consent (Art. 6 (1) letter a GDPR).
  • data processing for the performance of a contract (Art. 6 (1) letter b GDPR).
  • data processing following a weighing up of the respective parties’ interests (Art. 6 (1) letter f GDPR).
  • data processing to fulfil a legal obligation (Art. 6 (1) letter c GDPR).

When personal data is processed on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time effective in regard to all future processing.

When we process data on the basis of a weighing up of interests, , as the data subject you have the right, subject to the provisions in Art. 21 GDPR, to object to the processing of your personal data.

How long do we store the data?

We process data for as long as required for the relevant purpose.

Where legal retention periods exist – e.g. in accordance with commercial or tax law – the relevant personal data will be stored for the duration of the retention period. Following the end of the retention period, we will review the need for continued processing. Where such a need has lapsed, the data will be erased.

Naturally, you can at any time (see below) request information on your personal data stored by us and in the event the need for its processing is no longer relevant you may request the erasure of the data or restriction of its processing.

To which recipients is the data forwarded?

Your personal data is only forwarded to third parties, as a general rule, if this is necessary for the performance of the contract agreed with you, the forwarding of such data is permitted on the basis of a weighing up of interests in the sense of Art. 6 (1) letter f GDPR, we have a legal obligation to forward such data or you have granted your consent to the same.

Where is the data processed?

Your personal data will only be processed by us in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Your rights as “data subject”

You have the right to be informed of the personal data relating to you that we process.

When requesting information in verbal rather than in written form we would ask that you provide proof of identity to establish you are the person you claim to be.

In addition, you have the right to the rectification or erasure of your data or to the restriction of its processing, where provided by law.

Furthermore, you also have a right to object to the processing of your data in accordance with the legal provisions. You also have a right to data portability within the scope provided by data protection provisions.

In particular, you have a right to object pursuant to Art. 21 (1) and (2) GDPR to the processing of your data in connection with direct marketing, if this is carried out on the basis of a weighing up of interests.

We do not perform any processing in relation to an automated decision-making process, including profiling in the sense of Art. 22 GDPR.

Right to complain

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority for data protection in regard to our processing of your personal data.

Stand: 2.5.2024

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